Thanks to wpforo that we could make our health community at . I am exiting to see what wpforo 2.0 is offering.
I am very glad to show my wpforo website here.
Nice forum, still you have an issue / crash:
Press F12 to see the issue in your browser's console.
Hi @jyotirmoy99,
Your forum doesn't work for guest visitors because it's hard cached by litespeed plugin and by litespeed minifying/optimizing functions. So please do the following steps if you want to have a healthy forum:
- Please navigate in Dashboard to LiteSpeed Cache > Cache admin page
- Go to Exclude Tab, find the "Do Not Cache URIs" option
- Insert the URL path(s) of your forum page(s) one per line in the option textarea:
/community/ /participant/ /sign-up/ /sign-in/ /change-password/
- Save it and delete all caches.
In case you want to say thank you !)
We'd really appreciate and be thankful if you leave a good review on plugin page. This is the best way to say thank you to this project and support team.
@robert thanks you. I have corrected the point you mentioned. Is there any other things I need to change?
Thanks once again for this awesome plugin.