Eminent Member
Topics: 5 / Replies: 17
RE: User fields add on

@chris I am reading the documentation but it seems that the fields are only available in the members tab .... and no export option is available.... ...

1 year ago
RE: User fields add on

@chris thanks. I checked the table but no value is stored in it, but, I was asking for an admin tool, actually I expeted to have the fields in the mem...

1 year ago
RE: User fields add on

@chris, good morning. I meant: if I buy and install that plugin, I will be able to create a few custom fields for user registratino form, so, once use...

1 year ago
Replies: 6
Views: 306
RE: wrong email address "send to" when a new user is registered

@dimalifragis thank you, I didn't see your reply till now. Ok, I am ok with that, but, I selected that the wpforo registration of a new user has to...

1 year ago
RE: wrong email address "send to" when a new user is registered

@chris thanks. But I want the mail in the image to receive the notification, not the wordpress installation admin mail. The image email accounts, a...

1 year ago
RE: wrong email address "send to" when a new user is registered

@chris Hi! As i put in the attached topic image, the problem is that: no one of the email I put into the field you point out are receiving the notific...

1 year ago
1 year ago
RE: wrong email address "send to" when a new user is registered

@chris good morning. I got only POST SMTP plugin to set the smtp settings of my email server, I disactivated it, tested again but no changes. Thanks

1 year ago
RE: wrong email address "send to" when a new user is registered

@chris thank you for your reply. No, the only user that is getting that mail is the WP isntallation admin mail, the one that is set into the mail w...

1 year ago
RE: no unsubscribe link in new topic email

I rechecked documentation and settings, but no error found so, I think is a problem of the plugin... no?

1 year ago
RE: wrong email address "send to" when a new user is registered

@tutrix yes, there they are speaking about to FROM: mail but I am speaking about the TO: name ... I mean, if a new user is registering, I aspect that ...

1 year ago
RE: how to show topics but not topics content to guests

@chris Thank you very much!!! I changed the access rules for READ ONLY and I reached the aim!!! thank you!!!

1 year ago
RE: no unsubscribe link in new topic email

Hi, can you please help with this? thank you very much!

1 year ago
RE: wrong email address "send to" when a new user is registered

@tutrix, thank you very much, but that is not my question, I am asking about the destination email, I mean, the email is send to the wordpress admin e...

1 year ago
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