Ok thank you very much
Ok done, thanks 😉
I just noticed also, if I try to add emoji I cannot post. It appears a generic error and the log says GET /forum/posting.php?f=116&mode=quote&...
Hello Sofy, I've deleted all caches, and made sure the access setting is ok but nothing changed. Any idea? asdf.JPG
It is a dedicated server, so yes please help me to identify the problem! I write you
Thanks Robert, great news!
Ok thank you very much
Hi Robert, still no news?
This is great Robert, thank you!
Sorry I didn't know it was forbidden. Just created another one now 😉
Hi all, for those who want a quick solution when using the Yoast SEO plugin sitemap, you can use this code Just require_once it Hi Eddr, if i try to ...
It worked! You are awesome, thanks!
Thank you, I'll try now and let you know if it works!