Eminent Member
Topics: 7 / Replies: 15
RE: forum does not count subforum topics

@martín Thank you for considering my situation, you do a great job

4 years ago
RE: Bug with WordPress 5.6

thanks for your report @xfok

4 years ago
RE: Bug with WordPress 5.6

@robert thanks team

4 years ago
RE: forum does not count subforum topics

@robert I did that but the problem persists, maybe it is a matter of my localhost in a short time I will have my paid host to which I am going to migr...

4 years ago
RE: Threaded Layout not show topiocs

@robert I have not done any customization in any template, only css that was given to me right here in the support, but even removing the custom css f...

4 years ago
RE: Threaded Layout not show topiocs

@alvina I can't leave a link to my site because it works on my pc on localhost, when I finish my site I will put it online, I went to "Dashboard> F...

4 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 768
RE: text box does not load

@martin my bad !!! It was my error, but I leave it documented in case it happens to someone, I went to /wp-admin/profile.php and inside I had deactiva...

4 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 786
RE: it tells me that it is a new topic in bold and it is not

@martin Hi !!! it only happens with connected users Are you logged-in in the screenshot? yes im logged Do you have a cache plugin? I don...

4 years ago
RE: Round Categories

@martin thanks this worked

4 years ago
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