Eminent Member
Topics: 7 / Replies: 13
RE: Delete user - possible bug?

Hi Sofy, I am looged in as Super Admin. - So it appears to be a bug. Where in the db can I manually remove them please?

2 months ago
2 months ago
RE: Multilinguage Forum with Translatepress - "Forum rules sample text" issue

Hi Robert, I understand and I entered some dummy text to see how it is handled. The text from the Forum rules Text field is stored in wp_options and T...

2 months ago
RE: Multilinguage Forum with Translatepress - "Forum rules sample text" issue

I have dug a bit deeper and believe the only way to make the text multilingual would be to change the "forum rule" a regular a href link (in the user ...

2 months ago
RE: Customize forum opening link + don't display last post

Oops .... in my WP installation I don't use any theme. Any workaround for this?

4 months ago
RE: Customize forum opening link + don't display last post

@sofy Thank you very much. Will dive into it.

4 months ago
RE: Modify desktop view

@tutrix you are amazing! Thanks a lot Tutrix

4 months ago
RE: Modify wpForo theme without having a WP theme.

Yes, thanks, I have started that. PS: Finde deine deutsche Seite irre bunt und lebhaft. Da will ich mir was abschauen. Frage: Which Cookie consent plu...

4 months ago
RE: Modify wpForo theme without having a WP theme.

PS: Ihr habt ein herrlich buntes Forum

4 months ago
RE: Modify wpForo theme without having a WP theme.

Thanks Tutrix. I was afraid that is the way to go. Must think whether we really want to go through with it. Need to talk to the team.

4 months ago
RE: How can I use hCaptcha instead of reCaptcha?

@sofy Thanks sofy, I'll dig a bit deeper.

4 months ago
RE: Community PASPT work in progress

Nice to see another breakdancer here. I am just about to install wpforo and glad I can design it within Breakdance.

4 months ago