Estimable Member
Topics: 19 / Replies: 107
RE: How to change the color of the TinyMCE editor?

I am getting more confused.... 🤣 🤣 🤣 For WP Dark Mode we do what? And Where?

6 months ago
RE: How to change the color of the TinyMCE editor?

@sofy Now I need to figure out how to use this code ONLY when WPDark Mode is activated.

6 months ago
RE: How to change the color of the TinyMCE editor?

I am interested in the same modification. Being able to change the background color based on light or dark mode.

6 months ago
RE: Light & dark theme

I use WP Dark Mode and it does a pretty good job. I have only had issues with the wpForo text box for entering posts. Just click the moon on the men...

6 months ago
RE: wpForo 2.3.0 is released!

What do all of those do?

6 months ago
RE: Bug with Twitter ( embeds

@robert Are you guys playing games or something? The embed was working for and not on this site and in this thread earlier tod...

11 months ago
RE: Bug with Twitter ( embeds

@robert well you must have it installed here then and it is broken here. Also… I actually didn’t think Twitter was on the list of embeds with that ...

11 months ago
RE: Second time hacked forum

I have been using WPForo - Custom Fields on my site. I create a question on the registration page that is required. It is a question tailored for the ...

1 year ago
RE: Server Virus in wpForo Cache?

I did have Wordfence installed... It found nothing. I removed it to see if IT was the issue. Doesn't appear to be. So strange.

1 year ago
RE: Server Virus in wpForo Cache?

The funny thing is that before clearing the cache, the file was not on the server. So I cannot even FIND it. And now as I look back, I see that they...

1 year ago
RE: Increase heigh of the editor

@wacha I tried it as well and it didn't work for me either.

1 year ago
1 year ago
RE: Spam Attack...

@chris is not going to be happy....

1 year ago
RE: Users that wish to no longer recieve notifications for a particular topic?

@noved From what I know, individuals need to turn off the email notifications in their profile. Then they will no longer get emails for topics they ...

1 year ago
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