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Topics: 1 / Replies: 4
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Views: 651
RE: Best compatible themes for WpForo

@dimalifragis Thank you, sir! I will check it out.

2 years ago
RE: Best compatible themes for WpForo

I'm really struggling here. Does anyone provide paid help for wpForo? The default included theme with the current WP install clearly breaks wpForo. ...

2 years ago
RE: Best compatible themes for WpForo

In my experience, 90% of themes are non full-wdith. I'm having a heckuva time finding one that isn't and my wpforo looks really terrible.

2 years ago
RE: How to deactivate wpforo sidebar

I am having this same problem. Can you advise on how one "removes all widgets you may have from wpForo side bar"?

2 years ago