Honorable Member
Topics: 54 / Replies: 187
2 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 721
2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 738
RE: Long titles breaks design

@robert ok, still confusing for the user though. Just saying. Thanks for helping. Your support was quicker. It's more annoying when it takes days to g...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

Anyways, I'll just remove that negative review. I was pissed off and frustrated. Still am, but it was not a fair review.

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

@robert ok, I get it. Still confusing to have separate forums for everything when you are obviously the same team. Just causing even more frustration ...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

@robert thank you! Finally after three days this is fixed. What I don't get is why things like this are not fixed in the updates. I dunno how long it'...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

@robert which is the icon I've been talking about the whole time. I have no idea why you are focusing on the other icons?

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

Yes, but now we're confused again. I am talking about tha paper clip icon. That is what I've been talking about all the time when starting this thread...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

And I have the exact same issue when using the 2022 theme which you claimed "fixed" this issue. That paper clip icon just sits on top of the title. Ca...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

@robert I do use incognito mode. I dunno why you are pointing to that title when you can clearly see the icon is still covering the "Money Train 3" ti...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

@robert nah, now you're just trying to blame others for you mistake. You can clearly see the discussion took off in another direction and Chris had no...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

And even on mobile view, the titles look horrible being blocked by the icons and your css code fixed nothing. I cant use a forum that looks like this....

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

@robert if you would have followed this discussion you would have seen that it continued with another issue. This is what happens when you change supp...

2 years ago
RE: Long titles breaks design

You know where my forum is and I have explained the issue in detail, so why waste my time asking for all the extra info?

2 years ago
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