Thank you for the information. But what if I (or any community member) wish to keep all reply box of similar size?
That will be perfectly ok @Robert.
@Robert Yes, BuddyPress integrates well with WpForo. Thank you for making this possible. Wpforo combined with BuddyPress takes the community to the ne...
Even I am confused what is the need of reply button in the description of the post. ...and now I am trying to figure out whom I am replying using this...
If I am not wrong you might be asking to remove this 'reply' button and keeping only "Leave a Reply Box".
I agree @robert
Finally, the wait is over. I'm more than happy to try this latest version in my local machine before going live. Thank you team WpForo.
Sounds Great. I am also following this topic very closely.
This feature has been added on latest release of Gami Press Wpforo Integration ! Simply update the Gami Press wpForo integration to add the Points, Ra...
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