@tutrix I'm sure you're right but where can I find that text and edit it?
Thank you, but that is the forum wide admin note. The issue is with the message below, that appears when a user clicks the private forum. Thanks!
"Nothing other than trying to register and sign up for your forum. That’s all. When I click the button to submit my details it then says my network’s ...
@chris thanks. I don't have access to that ip. It's a user's ip. He wants to participate in the forum this is what pops up. I don't think he's been ab...
Hi, Chris, I'm continuing to troubleshoot. I contacted support for my security plugin (CleanTalk). The ip is whitelisted and the error persist. I'm be...
@chris Okay, thank you!
@chris Thank you! This is resolved. 🙂
Not found. What am I missing? not-found.jpg
@chris perfect. thank you!
Oh, shoot! One more question: Can this be edited? "Your user level does not have appropriate permission to view the content" With instructions r...
@robert thank you! You've all been a great help. All questions have been answered and all issues are resolved.