And I add that with an old version 1.9.6 there is no problem
At this time the code : embed(src width height name pluginspage type wmode allowFullScreen allowScriptAccess flashVars), source(src type) dont work...
this issue has not been solved
so no answer about that ?
Thanks for your help I finally succeded with installing loco translate and modify french language
For information, the only thing I can do to solve my issue is to modify and remove line 972 // else if($n>10000) $number = round(($n/1000),1).' '...
@tutrix thanks tutrix that works. This way of doing things didn't make sense to me. I thought we needed to have a new language ID and put the translat...
And I add that in the phrases menu it is not possible to add a language : there is only english and no possibility to add language. I add it in phpmya...
All this I have done many times without success And I have read(I dont tried to modify the french pot file) But my problem in the "phrase" pos...
thanks very much : that works fine