Another thing I noticed is when I add wpforo widgets in the sidebar (for homepage and posts), those pages become slow as well. For example I recently ...
Hello, I visited the link you sent and I am on the Table Engines section. First of all the image in the link shows the database entries as ...
Thank you for your replies but each person can have a separate experience regarding speed. I have shown the evidence of what google is saying for my f...
@tutrix I will try that. I have another question. If the title of a topic on wpforo is ABC then the url will be
Hello, It was copy-pasted from the address bar.
Hello, Thanks for the suggestion. I already have user profiles deactivated on the forum. Let me explain my issue: I am running a blog and a forum...
Thank you but lets assume I allow the profile to be edited after a while (lets say 4 posts), then the user can add dofollow links using about me, webs...