Reputable Member
Topics: 71 / Replies: 212
RE: The Fish guy is back

I had this guy (slightly different name) all over my place but since installed Anti Spam by CleanTalk (free version) problem is gone

4 years ago
RE: So many ad accout registered in my forum!

Just install the plugin Anti-spam by CleanTalk and your problems should disappear immediately Keep it in conjunction with whatever other stuff you a...

4 years ago
RE: Can some1 help me understand...

Just to let you guys know, and future readers, that since installed the new plugin, the problem stopped immediately, thanks 😀👌

4 years ago
RE: Can some1 help me understand...

Thanks Robert 🙂 Can I use the ocassion to make you another question? I have, changed the nicenames of some of them (the ones which usernames don'...

4 years ago
RE: Can some1 help me understand...

Thanks Robert. I just (just now) add the Clean Talk plugin and its there working already What I really didn't new (its all quite confuse) its if to ...

4 years ago
RE: How to ban some1?

Thanks Dimalifragis Is this the same sort of thing than "Akismet Anti-Spam" which its the one I have installed and that obviously its not making its...

4 years ago
RE: Can some1 help me understand...

Yes Dimalifragis, but my human normal curiosity of the "why of the things" remains not knowing... 🤣 I meant, bots or people, why just now in time if...

4 years ago
RE: Can some1 help me understand...

Thanks Di No, dont get me wrong mate, I know you "somehow" already answer a similar question yesterday... But this it's a different question reall...

4 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 2862
RE: How to ban some1?

Yes, Di, precisely on this forum. It happened in the mobile device. I was very surprised because its the very first time such thing happens to me. I...

4 years ago
RE: How to ban some1?

Thanks 🙂 Can I make you another question which strangely enough it's the 1st time that happened to me here ever...? As I just come after getting ...

4 years ago
RE: How to ban some1?

I didnt new this got nothing to do with this plugin Dimalifragis, I thought any forum plugin would bring it's own system... You right, it's not only...

4 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 2611
RE: Thanks so much WP Foro Team

🤣 Being on the movil when I answered I didn't realise mate. Btw, no need to say that when I said "but not only"... I was particularly (that again no...

4 years ago
RE: Thanks so much WP Foro Team

@dorothy to be honest I dont know the others, I come directly here recommended by Divi Elegant Themes team and all I can say is that I'm so glad it ha...

4 years ago
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