I think that if you look at my source code, you would agree (I hope 😀 ) that I understood your last explanation. I think all I need to do now its to...
@dimalifragis Would you say this options (at least the first two) are ok to be mark it on my case? I would be grateful if you can say a simple yes o...
First I saw this last post of you on my mobile and was making no sense to me As soon as I have seen it on the whole screen of my pc, GOT YOU!!!, at ...
Im not really sure what you are saying Dimalifragis. All I changed after we finish with that long post was the very title that goes in the "title bo...
Thanks. I been looking the net around me town but its going to be almost impossible to find some1 who will understand about all needed thing. On top o...
I could have even suggest if would you like to have a look yourself as "a job" as you know better than anyone what more or less we are talking about -...
Because I supposse I will need to find some1 who understand in Divi plus in WPForum both right?.... as somehow I think its related to both. I even wou...
Uffff, so then its even worse than I thought mate I wish I could do as you say and just call/bring somebody, but I doubt very much I would be able t...
Added: S**t 🙂 - I just realise happened the same with all other links, when I click on them directly in the statistics plugin, then all and everyon...
Great thanks 🙂 Im just happy enough finding out that I been already able to deduce somethings of which I knew nothing about just few days ago, just...
Thanks Dimilifragis 🙂 One more question please, trying to learn some between this and our last topic 🙂 At some point that plugin says among its ...
Hey man, what would I do without you 🤣 Thanks 😀