Estimable Member
Topics: 33 / Replies: 70
RE: Stop server looking for 'discussions that may have what you're looking for'

@vanessa, Would be great to have a way to turn off the suggested topics completely. I agree!

8 months ago
RE: Stop server looking for 'discussions that may have what you're looking for'

Hi @vanessa, I tried the hook on our forum and it does indeed prevent suggestions from being displayed, however the server is still "Working..." loo...

8 months ago
RE: "Full screen" editor option NOT ALWAYS available

Thanks for your reply @robert.I find this "full-screen option" (FSO) made available/unavailable "by design" not very consistent and a bit confusing. ...

8 months ago
RE: How to increase icon&font size of subforums (threaded layout)

@tutrix, thanks for the code, works just I needed.

8 months ago
RE: "Full screen" editor option NOT ALWAYS available

In this attached file you can see the "full-screen" option available in the Migrate from Other Forum Plugins > bbPress Q&A forum.  full-...

8 months ago
RE: "Full screen" editor option NOT ALWAYS available

@martin Sorry, I'm not allowed to do that, it's a private forum. But you don't need to, this forum is in the same situation (at least on my brows...

8 months ago
RE: Which are the correct table engines for wpForo ver. 2.2.3 database tables?

@martin Thx for the info, I'll make the changes you suggest.

8 months ago
RE: Which are the correct table engines for wpForo ver. 2.2.3 database tables?

@dimalifragis I'm working with MySQL Version 5.7.44-log-cll-lve Would you still recommend switching to innoDB?

8 months ago
RE: Which are the correct table engines for wpForo ver. 2.2.3 database tables?

Hi @dimalifragis, Well, in this post by @robert On: 08/10/2017 ... he recommends the following tables as innoDB wp_wpforo_forums (mine i...

8 months ago
RE: How to make error/success notices last longer

Like this one... wpForo-success-error-notice.png

8 months ago
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