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Topics: 20 / Replies: 75
RE: How to improve wpforo performance?

@tutrix In fact, I do a comparison with mysite.com/blogs/

1 year ago
RE: How to improve wpforo performance?

The difference between the to page mysite.com and mysite.com/community is that wp rocket is disabled as asked by wpforo team. The impact is the cach...

1 year ago
RE: How to improve wpforo performance?

I am using store front theme. Not very good too with WebPageTest:

1 year ago
RE: How to show forums icons on mobile?

Hi, forget it. Major cache issue to solve... When I regenerate CSS, it works... I have to figure it out. You can close it.

1 year ago
Replies: 26
Views: 1302
RE: How to fix sitemap issue with ?lang=en paramater

Thanks, @Tutrix ! It's true. Bien que l'URL dans le panneau de configuration ne soit pas le bon, le sitemap existe bien dans le répertoire. Je peux ...

2 years ago
RE: How to fix sitemap issue with ?lang=en paramater

@Chris, I tried a workaround, but I still have the same issue with the sitemap. I changed the language structure for my site from /?lang=en to /...

2 years ago
RE: How to fix sitemap issue with ?lang=en paramater

Hi @Chris, I have to keep this structure /p> The parameter ?lang=en allows us to show of English posts in the sidebar and not French posts. I ca...

2 years ago
RE: How to fix 2 forums with same page id?

@chris Once again, thanks for your great support. I was unaware of the Page ID on the bottom left when you mouse over. I was looking at fields in the ...

2 years ago
RE: How to fix 2 forums with same page id?

@Chris Where can I find this page ID in WordPress? I see a slug and canonical URL but not a page ID. I can't edit with Elementor the page you ...

2 years ago
RE: How to fix 2 forums with same page id?

I add a question. You added the shortcode , but how did you set Board ID for xxx.com/community_en?

2 years ago
RE: How to fix 2 forums with same page id?

@Chris, I am facing a strange issue. Please explain. I can't edit with Elementor the page you created for my forum in English (board 6735) at th...

2 years ago
RE: How to fix 2 forums with same page id?

Hi @Chris. I can see that. Thanks a lot, but for my understanding how did you change the PAge id and keep the structure and links to my En forum xxx...

2 years ago
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