Eminent Member
Topics: 3 / Replies: 4
RE: Users of my Forum cannot attach files (photos, etc)

@realact I don't be sure, but I think I don't use a cache plugin. I have bougt today a new licence wpForo Advanced Attachments - Single Site License...

4 years ago
RE: Users of my Forum cannot attach files (photos, etc)

Sorry, but I don't understand. How can I clean up all caches? I have a new license, I think

4 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2159
RE: Problems attaching images

Problem solved! Thanks very muchBest regards

5 years ago
RE: Problems attaching images

@sofy This is the error message: Choose a files or drag and drop it here. Max file size 2KB Error: File is too big. Allowed size is: 2KB

5 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 840
RE: Problems of integration of the Forum in the Wordpress Blog

Ok, thanks for all. I try to ask the Worpress Support about this. Thanks so much  

5 years ago
RE: Problems of integration of the Forum in the Wordpress Blog

When I click on my WP Admin, that it´s what happens. Instead of opening the administrator, it is redirected to the image screen 2 Image-2.png

5 years ago
RE: Problems of integration of the Forum in the Wordpress Blog

Sorry, but I can´t record with my pc. I try to send you images of all ok?

5 years ago
RE: Problems of integration of the Forum in the Wordpress Blog

I have a problem with the record, one moment, please. I need to configure my PC previosly

5 years ago
RE: Problems of integration of the Forum in the Wordpress Blog

  Instead, just try using Google Chrome and it works. Does the problem with Firefox have anything to do with it now?

5 years ago
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