Eminent Member
Topics: 6 / Replies: 14
RE: Loging into WordPress not logged in into forum

Hi folks,I don't have a chaching plugin installed but did found out what the problem was. There was an issue with my browser. I noticed problems on ot...

3 years ago
RE: Two questions in regards to register with Facebook

Thanks for this! I will try it out monday, I need a break :-). I'll let you kno how it went.

4 years ago
RE: Setting an inactive user to active

I find it very strange that I as an administrator can't activate their accounts. That is suchs a standard feature.

4 years ago
RE: Two questions in regards to register with Facebook

Is this something that might be added to a future update? Having the option to add html to the phrases?Or is it already available and is something goi...

4 years ago
RE: Setting an inactive user to active

Hi, I am sorry I haven't been back to respond to your suggestion. That wasn't exactly what i wanted :-). I have a few users who didn't recieve their...

4 years ago
RE: Messages top right corner

@alvina excellent. I am in no hurry. It's just that sometimes it disppears so fast and especially on a larger screen I even miss the message sometimes...

4 years ago
RE: Two questions in regards to register with Facebook

@martin Under Forum > Phrases > phrase number 459It does allow the shortcode %s and creates a link from that. But just plain html it strips.

4 years ago
RE: Inactive users showing as 0

The issue will be fixed in the upcoming version. If you need to solve it asap, please send the admin login details to info[at] email addre...

4 years ago
RE: Two questions in regards to register with Facebook

But how can I create links from them? If I use <a href="">link</a> it gets str...

4 years ago
RE: Two questions in regards to register with Facebook

Hi Alvina, I did set those, but when logging in with Facebook, those are being ignored and no longer mandatory. It doesn't matter if one checks tho...

4 years ago
RE: Two questions in regards to register with Facebook

Hi, is there a shortcode that i can use to link to the forum rules and the forum privacy rules? That way i can add those to the Facebook registering...

4 years ago
RE: Can someone update the Facebook login information page?

Hahahaha, I was just posting a reply when I took one more look at my screenshot only to notice I never enabled the Facebook SDK for Javascript part....

4 years ago
RE: What are the rules in regards to removing the Powered by wpForo version ...

@alvina DONE! I have added my review on the plugin page. I am sure I could hide the powered by with some CSS but I didn't like that section there an...

4 years ago
RE: What are the rules in regards to removing the Powered by wpForo version ...

Thank you. I don't mind advertizing for wpForo but not by showing the version number.

4 years ago