I can understand what you mean. The way I deal with it is to focus on building my content so it is fully responsive. That way it doesn't matter whethe...
What kind of emoji are you wanting? I see them on the board when I put emoji. 😀😉😂👍🤞😩😞 Is it just me that sees those?
Thanks. Yes, using wpForo login. Hopefully more functionality can be built in to the wpForo login and registration control.
Yes, that's what they mean but I agree it is confusing.
Agreed, wpForo needs to support shotcodes from the rest of the website.
Okay, so I have WordPress Social Login 2.3.3 installed and running well, which I think goes towards the original point of this thread. What I was thin...
This occurred to me the other day also. Perhaps there should be both a recent posts page and recent topics page? Or the option to set which one you wa...
Yes, that worked!
Thanks, I've just tried that and no luck.
I'm interesting on the outcome of this one because I intend to implement a similar floating main menu at the top of my site shortly. It seems the issu...