On the settings page you should see "Forum feed/ RSS" It is in there mate
@sofy I have tried that, tried everything....
@sofy I took a screen shot to show you the issue.... You wont be able to see the members pages unless you log in to my forum. I think what yI have s...
Hmmm, you should be getting emails when a post is in moderation. In forum dashboard, look for "Spam Protection" In there you will see a setting t...
@sofy This isnt what I mean Sofy, I mean can I fix the URLS, of old threads when I have changed the titles of them? So the URL matches the new titl...
@sofy What about the permalink buttons, what happens if you press those?
@tutrix Thanks mate, so is there anyway to remake URLs of posts after changing the title?
@forumedium Tutrix is a legend mate, go and check out his forum!
@tutrix Thanks as always mate 🙂
This was solved by running this in php my admin just incase anyone else has the problem : ) WITH CTE AS (SELECT reactionid,postid, userid,ROW_NU...
@sofy Thanks Sofy. Is there not another way? I mean making someone admin of my site, I don't mind, but giving access to my whole server is another lev...