@chris I'm so sorry to have wasted your time Chris. Thank you for your help.
@chris Sent. Thank you.
@chris Here you go. Screen-Shot-2022-08-11-at-9.02.38-AM.png
@chris Thank you for your quick response. This is the problem. Visitors go to:/li> Visitors click the "Login" link at the top of the website Vis...
@chris(Login link in the top nav)
Thank you Robert.
Thank you very much. Follow up question. The keys I entered were v3. That did not seem to get along well with your plugin so I disabled it altogether....
Yes I took a look at that. We're passing for now because of how that process exposes the WP back end. Thank you though for the suggestion.
I usedas a solution, but receive the following error when the button to create the account is clicked. This page isn’t working ~domain~ is currently u...