This is now working. I couldn't figure out why what was showing on the backend in wpForo was not being reflected in the frontend. So, I deleted the pl...
Well, I installed a fresh copy of wpForo on one of my spare domains and the default Maximum allowed file size was 10MB. I went to wpForo>Settings...
@dimalifragis Yeah, that's in the php.ini file. Already changed settings in there as depicted in attachment. Untitled-picture.png
@dimalifragis Hi, thanks for the reply. Are you referring to the php.ini? Or somewhere else in the PHP settings? I saw one mention of changing PHP s...
@sofy Hi, thanks for the reply. I checked the user groups like you suggested, they were at 61M, I changed them to 512M and on the front end it still...
Yeah I'm sure of it. I use the Divi theme and I resized the forum to fit better on my screen and neglected to check the responsiveness. Usually Divi d...
Yeah, I realized what you meant after I sent that. Thanks for pointing that out.
Thanks, I was able to remove that page (community-2) finally. I'm not sure what you mean by not responsive.
Hi, and thanks for the suggestions. I have edited the database table as suggested so it now looks like so:and verified all categories and forums hav...
At no point did I say I deleted usergroup 4. Like you said wpForo does not allow it. There is no delete option available for it. I merely changed the ...
@robert Thanks for the suggestions, the results are as follows: There was a message in "errors & issues" saying "The default Guest usergroup i...
I've already checked these as stated but here they are:,,,,. Here are the accesses edit screens (I've already sent the read only screenshot in my ...
Hi, thanks for the reply. As I mentioned in my post the forum accesses are default as seen here: