Hi @udpride, Cache files allow you to have many times better performance and keep small amount of requests to the database. Please note that running...
You have index.php in your permalinks. Please go to Dashboard > Settings > Permalinks admin page and select the Post name one, save it. Then g...
Hi @realact, This is a standard feature existing in pro level forums. Forums allow either do soft or hard delete. I'm sorry but we don't have other ...
Hi @vanessa, I'm sorry but there is no way to provide access by user. wpForo forum access is controled by Usergroup <> Forum Access relationsh...
Hi @realact , You should set [Hard delete] option to let users delete all their data as well: The doc:
Hi @udpride, 1. Please don't delete default usergroups (moderator, guest, registered) 2. Don't change the name of the Guest usergrup, it must be t...
@central4allgmail-com, Your image is not visible. You should check all hooks and code snippets. It's not wpForo core issue for sure. You have ...
Hi @central4allgmail-com, I'm sorry but it's impossible to understand what is your issue. The screenshot says nothing and the description of the pro...
Hi @allenbest51, It's better to contact the pro support for custom addon. wpForo doesn't have a such solution.
Hi @dominartiste, The editor buttons require WordPress dashicons. The dashicons are crashed on your website because of optimizer and cache plugins. ...
Thank you @sison2466 , reCAPTCHA is configured correctly and it works fine on login/register pages. This is not a configuration issue. It seems the ...
@smexhy, I'm sorry but the information about like/dislike will be only displayed for the post owner in the notification section. We'll show more inf...
@sison2466, Please leave a screenshot of the reCAPTCHA settings in wpForo and the reCAPTCHA configuration in Google.