Eminent Member
Topics: 6 / Replies: 11
RE: Forum background color change

I code So I went through it and finally figured it out #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-2 .wpforo-category{ background-color:#001CAD; a:#FFFFFF; border-bo...

2 years ago
RE: Forum background color change

So i was going through the CSS and actually found it I think, but it wont actually work when I put it in to custom CSS#wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpfl-3 ....

2 years ago
RE: Forum background color change

Guess i should add a pic  COlor-change-picture.JPG

2 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 588
RE: Forums not updating and yes I did the Rocket Cache exclude

yeha i just ended up disabling object pro cache.. i dont see any negative side effects so far and it actually fixed the problem with the forums cause ...

2 years ago
RE: Forums not updating and yes I did the Rocket Cache exclude

I guess it is from another cache object cache pro is t here a way to do the same thing wiht WP Rocket or what should I do dont see how to undo it

2 years ago
RE: How to change the By [username color]

TUTRIX I did do that.. it didn't work at first but now all of the sudden it did work so I guess i just had to delete the cache

2 years ago
RE: Sub Menu background color

@tutrix what are you the GOD of WPFORO man.. Holy moly you just can answer everything

2 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 660
RE: Different sizing for non logged in users

OHHH IM a DUMB@** I thought that was part of your signature... LMAO... yep good to go fixed and perfect... Im sure its been a problem before And I jus...

2 years ago
RE: Different sizing for non logged in users

Hi @tutrix, I don't Understand, I have WP rocket on the website, is that messing it up

2 years ago
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