@robert all done π now have problem with wpforo main menu. Please see above.
@chris no, only one. Don't know, why is twice and doesn't work.
@chris have it here, twice. submenu.png
@chris as here. topmenu.png
@chris it's not menu with user settings, etc.
@robert it looks better, but where is user menu (user settings,..)?
@robert done, seems to be OK. What do you mean?
@chris so there is two boards: boards.png
@robert doesn't have Tools under wpForo. Chris has admin login, can he try it?
@chris so again π
@chris sent registration mail with admin access.
Tested with admin login/pass to DB and new errors. It wants to create tables with _1. databaze-error.png
Executed, it creates first line, but in admin have more errors with creating new table with error "CREATE command denied to user....".
@dimalifragis now disabled and nothing changed. Errors with database table (neexistuje = doesn't exist): BBut created them manually and now wit...
@chris in wpForo - Bords have empty table. Or is it in another menu?