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Topics: 1 / Replies: 7
RE: Can only access front page of forums

Ace I'll keep an eye here then for that. No chance of a workaround I suppose, but Beta 6 has been pretty good up till now so will be content if I can ...

9 years ago
RE: Can only access front page of forums

Thankyou πŸ™‚ despite it all not working right now I've been really enjoying wpforo and hope that future versions are just as good . Many thanks

9 years ago
RE: Can only access front page of forums

It has been working up till now however! Is there any advice you can give me so that I can access my forum data? can I just copy beta 6 code over agai...

9 years ago
RE: Can only access front page of forums

Also thankyou for the help in this. I'm just not sure what could have changed between 0.6 and 1/1.01. the only thing that's visual is that I can' tak...

9 years ago
RE: Can only access front page of forums

yes it is, sooo: Site URL is Wordpress URL is MySite.Org/Wordpress Forum URL is MySite.Org/Wordpress/community (underlined the bits I can't...

9 years ago
RE: Can only access front page of forums

Hi, Thanks for the reply. The forum slug is mysite/community however the wpforo settings always goes to mysite/wordpress/community. The mysite...

9 years ago
Replies: 15
Views: 34144
RE: Forum base URL is wrong.

I'm having exactly the same problem, I have wordpress in a sub directory and now I can't access my forums content because the new URL is hardcoded to ...

9 years ago