Thanks. I solved first issue. I changed my colors to default, then again changed, this time everythings are doing well. But my second problem goes on....
Ok. Thanks. I will reset color settings. And, is there anyway to remove view counts?
@robert Great. It worked. And I migrated all old posts. Then I redirected all old URLs, even if it was laboruous 🙂
I hope, it will be available in future. Thanks @robert
@robert Dear support team. Thank you very much. I transmitted your proposals to my hosting. Then they investigated again, and foond that the problem i...
@robert You were right. My hosting said me that my problem is sourced from a bad code in php.ini. They cleared it, but the plugin didn't work again.
I left a review for wpforo. Snapshot is attached. 2021-05-16_114004.jpg
Thank you for help. I installed and removed the plugin many times. I disabled all third party plugin and then shifted wordpress theme, but nothing cha...
Now I tried my other site at another server. This also shows 5.5.5 but Go2wpForo has worked. Unfortenately, my asgaros forum is not in that site, it i...
I guess I have found the problem. Wpforo shows mysql version as 5.5.5. But wpforo itself works properly though Go2wpForo doesn't work. So, I asked sup...