@sofy I don't know what the developers did but the problem was the wpforo plugin. It was fine without it and my whole site is just white screen when I...
@sofy OK, you got admin access now. By the way, I know why my emails not working but I couldn't fix it yet because of time issues. You can login via...
@sofy Thank you. I'm checking my email settings now. In the meantime, you can use those to sign in: username: kamugucu pass: 849562
@tutrix That solved the issue. Thank you.
I've tried many things. Wasted many time for this but finally found the reason. Checking the Console Tab will be my first thing from now on. The pro...
Could you add me to beta testers please?
@robert Thank you and you're right I'm using a light wp theme in front side.
@aima-forum it's a workaround but still thank you. I'll get what I want. Edit: I didn't even need to change the email address. Just changed the pass...
I came here to ask the same thing 🙂 At least I think it's the same. A member subscribed almost all forums and getting notified but there's a proble...