Trusted Member
Topics: 15 / Replies: 43
RE: Members info cannot be read on dark style

@tutrix That solved the issue. Thank you.

2 years ago
RE: Problems with guest topics

I've tried many things. Wasted many time for this but finally found the reason. Checking the Console Tab will be my first thing from now on. The pro...

2 years ago
2 years ago
RE: Profile Widget Buttons are Not Visible with Dark Theme

@robert Thank you and you're right I'm using a light wp theme in front side.

3 years ago
RE: Stop email notifications

@aima-forum it's a workaround but still thank you. I'll get what I want. Edit: I didn't even need to change the email address. Just changed the pass...

3 years ago
RE: Stop email notifications

I came here to ask the same thing 🙂 At least I think it's the same. A member subscribed almost all forums and getting notified but there's a proble...

3 years ago
RE: No getting emails notifications

@jesus no problem when you got only 8 members. If you start to having more members, you'll get tired of those emails and every email is another job fo...

3 years ago
RE: No getting emails notifications

YourWebsite/wp-admin/admin.php?page=wpforo-settings&tab=emails You may wanna check the documentation,/p>

3 years ago
RE: Why I cannot see the Emojis?

I can see all of the emojis without a problem now. The difference is that I gave up windows 7 and upgraded to win10. So I got new browsers too. That m...

3 years ago
RE: Why I cannot see the Emojis?

@robert I have tried with Opera, Brave and Chrome on the same PC. No firewall, no adblocker, javacript is enabled but they are all the same. But whe...

4 years ago
RE: After update , it stop attaching images

After cleaning all caches, press CTRL + F5 two times.

4 years ago
RE: I cannot use add-topic shortcode

Thank you very much @alvina I was lazy about trying to deactivate plugins one by one. It's the "WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache" plugin. ...

4 years ago
RE: css for making words look big

I think you don't even need a CSS code. There's a shortcut for that on Forum Settings > Styles. Very easy. If nobody did, I would like to thank a...

4 years ago
RE: Embed a forum in a page has issue

I don't know about shortcode but yes, you can hide the categories as much easy as forums.  Opera-Snapshot_2020-04-19_113052_wpforo.com_.png

4 years ago
RE: How to make links underlined automatically?

@robert Thanks but this changes all the links. Now I realized that I didn't ask correctly. I want to change the style of external links. Only extern...

4 years ago
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