Thank you very much @alvina I was lazy about trying to deactivate plugins one by one. It's the "WP-Optimize – Clean, Compress, Cache" plugin. ...
I think you don't even need a CSS code. There's a shortcut for that on Forum Settings > Styles. Very easy. If nobody did, I would like to thank a...
I don't know about shortcode but yes, you can hide the categories as much easy as forums. Opera-Snapshot_2020-04-19_113052_wpforo.com_.png
@robert Thanks but this changes all the links. Now I realized that I didn't ask correctly. I want to change the style of external links. Only extern...
@realact just search for "Respuesta" on phrases. I think you will find two strings. One of them is what you wanna change. Try to translate them one by...
1-) Go to phrases and add new. 2-) No. I translated them as two different words. You should change the "%s Reply" (no:675) for the first one.
@robert Thank you very much. That line was what I need 🙂
After v1.7.0 this problem still exist.
I'm using this one for the same purpose:/p>
I'm not good at writing good words. All I wanna say that I agree with @percysgrowroom Thanks!
I use a plugin named; WP External Links
I just want to remind you this issue. We're in v1.6.5 but It's still the same.
1. Does it support multi-languages? I'm not sure but probably yes. 2. Best answer goes up to the first position? Yes 3. Does search provide for autos...
@robert Thank you very much!
But there's an add topic button for threaded layout. We can use it. Is it really hard to do it for Q/A layout?