Thanks for your quick answer. All fine.
Hi @sofy, they tell me this is a misunderstanding. Please see their response here. Thanks.
Thanks @sofy, log in form is now fine; how do we position the Facebook login button on top also in the register form? Thanks in advance.
Thanks @Sofy, it worked perfectly.
Hi @anonymous20, sorry for the very late response. Everything is working fine now. No spam, no bots and the "I am a human" option is active in all for...
Hi @sofy, is there a way to hide those fields? Thanks in advance.
Thanks @sofy. The thing is that I had excluded the slug from the cache... See attachment please. 2019-02-18_17h12_22.png
Hi @sofy, there is a problem with that code, as the password was suddenly positioned over the username. 2019-02-11_19h20_21.png
thanks a lot, it worked perfectly! Screenshot_20190211-191709_Samsung-Internet.jpg
Last question on this matter 😊 , @sofy is there a way to move the Facebook button on top of the log in form? Thanks.