Eminent Member
Topics: 5 / Replies: 8
RE: updating from beta 6 old version ..

i cleared cache.. and already changed it. it isnt working. sidebar is visible..title visible, just no forums.. ?

7 years ago
RE: Links

please do add it it next update. its really important. thanks.

8 years ago
RE: permalink url structure change

hey, one more thing. i just saw. forum name is " Extended Layout How-to and Troubleshooting" and but url displayed as "how to and troubleshooting "

8 years ago
RE: permalink url structure change

I guess you meant can? thanks 🙂

8 years ago
RE: how to make link viewable only to registered user

Hey, something like/p> Basically, if admin or mod or anyone who want only registered user to see link in any topics post, it shows that message. for r...

8 years ago
RE: Sidebar width adjustment?

Haa. I fixed it. you guys doing a good job.. @media only screen and (min-width: 981px){ #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-content{ width: 76%; } #wpforo #...

8 years ago
RE: Sidebar width adjustment?

Posted by: Robert Sure, just set less the percent of content part, like this: #wpforo #wpforo-wrap .wpforo-content{ width: 73%; } #wpforo #wpforo-wr...

8 years ago