Reputable Member
Topics: 47 / Replies: 179
RE: Can't upload media on new topics since update to 1.9.9

Thanks @robert, I appreciate your help! The CSS trick helped but you are right -- the GIF icon isn't showing and I hadn't noticed that before. There's...

4 years ago
RE: Can't upload media on new topics since update to 1.9.9

@dimalifragis Thank you for your testing! I'll keep playing with it and see if I can figure out what's up. Maybe a conflict with another plugin.

4 years ago
RE: Can't upload media on new topics since update to 1.9.9

I'm using the Advanced Attachments plugin.

4 years ago
RE: How to start a forum?

In CloudFlare, you can set page rules to disable their cache on forum pages. This way you still get the benefit of CloudFlare security and CDN while n...

4 years ago
RE: How to start a forum?

@vit-hofman GridPane is basically your software stack. It is highly optimized for security and speed. You choose the server(s) you want to host on a...

4 years ago
RE: How to start a forum?

My #1 source of traffic is from returning users, so that may not be relevant to you (yet 😉 ). But #2 is Google search results. So I would say that SEO...

4 years ago
RE: Thatch Finder Forum

Thank you for the kind words! I'm happy to help by answering questions as much as I am able. 🙂 A little history For my forum, I'm lucky. There wa...

4 years ago
RE: Land Surveyors Community

It's a long story, but we've rebranded (back) to SurveyorConnect.com. It was a name we used back before wpForo (2010-2016) and for legal reasons, we c...

4 years ago
RE: Notifications shortcode?

Yes, I understand. I was just making a suggestion.

4 years ago
RE: Profile pages showing HTML code

Only some CSS. I've not customized any templates.

4 years ago
RE: Profile pages showing HTML code

Hi, thank you for that information, but that just hides what seems to be an underlying problem. The same thing is also happening on the Account tab. ...

4 years ago
RE: Notifications shortcode?

@alvina Yes, that is a great feature that I'm already aware of, but it would be great to have a shortcode so I could place it anywhere I want -- for...

4 years ago
RE: Profile pages showing HTML code

Sorry for the delay getting back to you. I actually forgot about this! 🤣 You already have a login for my forum, it is as follows: Site:br />Userna...

4 years ago
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