@martin please, only give me a clue how to debug the php code of yours
i can also give you access... how do we debug this?
well i did a simple test and on a specific forum with new topic subscribers, notification came when moderator created a topic and didnt come when non-...
oh sure there is.. but seems i have to find it myself and add one if statement to the approval procedure.. it will be though hard for me to find, ther...
i'd like to set wpForo to need to approve new topics for all the users, but not the replies - they are free to post. is it possible? or would you sa...
worked like a charm. i only want to understand why it was disabled in first place
ok, that's it obviously.. now the importnat thing for me is find out how i got rid of this? i customized css a lot but i dont see anything related...
wll i wondered how you want to get in, right: login:gruppik1A. pwd:tet78st$999 You can try to update topic title within "H klub" forum for exa...
thank you:
@alvina can we have a private chat? if you send me some technical mail, i can add you temporarily as a member - moderator. Would that work?
well, it is configured private.. so how do we do this?