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[Closed] Conflicts with other plugins

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Support Team Moderator
Joined: 9 years ago
Posts: 991
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Here is the known list of plugins which conflict with wpForo:

  1. bbPress (forums slug and other issues)
  2. JS Support Ticket (Forums URLs doesn't work)
  3. Easy Social Share Buttons 4 (wpForo is loaded on top of theme)
  4. WPBakery Visual Composer (affects edit/like/delete buttons)
  5. WP-SpamShield (Error on login: Sorry, there was an error. Please be sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled in your browser and try again.)
  6. WP-SpamShield (Error On Registration)
  7. Open Graph Protocol (forum appears at the top of the page)
  8. Genesis Footer Builder (missing forum edit/delete buttons in dashboard)
  9. Autoptimize plugin (many issues)
  10. WP Rocket - JS Files optimization (affects post editor)
  11. WPSSO Core – Complete Meta Tags and Schema (forum disappears)
  12. Easy Table of Contents


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