I had setup a forum which the client used for testing functionality. I cleaned up all the wpForo transaction tables except the ones which contain some setup or static information. Everything seems to be ok but on the Forum home page under the forum which had test posts, the forum details show "Topics: 1 | Posts: 2". I am not sure from where this is coming. Does wp_options store any of this info?
Kindly let me know how to cleanup all the transaction tables so that I can use the forum structure as if it was freshly created. I don't want to uninstall and reinstall wpForo because that will make me do all the setups again. I am using the latest wpForo on WordPress 5.2.2.
Number of rows in each table is given below: (I have 4 forums, 4 user profiles, 2 tags)
lg_wpforo_accesses 5
lg_wpforo_activity 0
lg_wpforo_forums 4
lg_wpforo_languages 1
lg_wpforo_likes 0
lg_wpforo_phrases 650
lg_wpforo_posts 0
lg_wpforo_profiles 4
lg_wpforo_subscribes 0
lg_wpforo_tags 2
lg_wpforo_topics 0
lg_wpforo_usergroups 5
lg_wpforo_views 0
lg_wpforo_visits 1
lg_wpforo_votes 0
This is a cache and a result of direct data removing from database. Please navigate to Dashboard > Forums > Dashboard admin page and click following buttons with following order:
- Update Topics Statistic
- Update Users Statistic
- Delete Phrase Cache
- Delete User Cache
- Synch User Profiles
- Update Forums Statistic
- Delete All Caches
Then delete website cache.