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[Closed] Ignore / mute user feature

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This is a very heavy feature. wpForo will have to check each topic and post for current user if the author of that post is ignored or not. This kind of processes are classified as non-optimal. This will spend many times more server resources. All available solutions and even the bbpress plugin are very heavy. We'll add this in our to do list if we found a light way to perform this feature.

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Posted by: Robert

This is a very heavy feature. wpForo will have to check each topic and post for current user if the author of that post is ignored or not. This kind of processes are classified as non-optimal. This will spend many times more server resources. All available solutions and even the bbpress plugin are very heavy. We'll add this in our to do list if we found a light way to perform this feature.

I had the feature on bbpress as a plugin and it performed well on a board with over 200 active members, shared hosting, 4Gb of RAM. If the table is cached and refreshed as a cron job I cant see how thats too heavy outside of the initial look up.  🧐 

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Sure would be great to have this feature. 🙂

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Okay, bumping this back up to see where this is on the list of things to do or if it's even made it to the list. I love WPForo because of its stability, but I also love it because of the fact that it resembles much of what people are used to in regards to how forums are meant to work, and have worked in the past. Its familiarity is part of what makes it great.

If the forums from 10-15 years ago, and other current forum plugins could/can have this feature surely there's a way to make it work within the WPForo platform as well.

Can we have an update please @robert?

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@meibukan76 I'm curious to hear what you think about this feature request:


As far as I can tell, it's the opposite of what you're asking for, but I wonder which you would way you would prefer to have it. For my site, with over 1,000 members now, I don't think in terms of people I want to block, but rather people that I want to hear from. Does it make more sense on your site to block/mute people or does it make more sense to build the list of "friends" that you want to hear from?

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@timrodman I'm of the stance that both approaches are necessary and helpful. I love the idea of following/subscribing to members or "friends" which is a great feature. I'm very glad this will be available in the future.

But, it doesn't solve the need for the ability to ignore others. If I only ever cared for what my friends post, that would be one thing, but if I want to participate in the forums at large, I'm still going to run into members and their posts that I would rather not. Being able to ignore a user helps cut down on attitudes, contrary or combative exchanges, and overall dissatisfaction with forum use. If I constantly have to see or deal with an annoying, irksome, or otherwise displeasing (to me) member, I'm probably going to use the forums less in general. If I can just ignore them, then we can both stay and enjoy ourselves. Kinda like facebook's unfollow feature with friends. I don't have to unfriend them, but I don't have to see their posts, either, unless I want to. Or on my cellphone where I can add numbers to my favorites list and block others so they can't get through. 

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You are comparing standalone forums with a forum plugin Wordpress...

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@dimalifragis I know I am when I mention the forums of old. However, other Wordpress plugins have this capability. I also understand the concerns that have been previously stated about this being a large undertaking and one that might have site speed implications. What I'm asking for is an update to see if this is still on their radar or not.

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Posted by: @meibukan76

However, other Wordpress plugins have this capability.

Other plugins, please mention what plugin you mean.

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