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[Solved] Original WP embed function for YouTube?

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Currently, Wordpress automatically embeds YouTube videos. I read you work in an addon for embeds multitude of services, something very interesting. But, on the other hand, you could not enable the original WP embed function for YouTube?

I want to start to migrate to WP Foro, but without YouTube is difficult. To start (to start...) I not need a media player, or insert other services, but YouTube is basic in a forum, and the embed of WordPress works great.

Thanks! 🙂

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seems like we have a solution. 

Can you guys share what exactly does this modification do? Does it work all across wp-foro?

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Just put this code in active WordPress theme's functions.php:

add_filter('wpforo_content_after', 'wpforo_custom_video_embed', 10);
function wpforo_custom_video_embed( $content ){
$paterns = array();
$paterns[] = "/<a[^><]+>\s*[a-zA-Z\/\/:\.]*\/watch\?v=([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)([a-zA-Z0-9\/\*\-\_\?\&\;\%\=\.]*)/i";
$paterns[] = "/<a[^><]+>\s*[a-zA-Z\/\/:\.]*\/([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)([a-zA-Z0-9\/\*\-\_\?\&\;\%\=\.]*)/i";
$content = preg_replace($paterns, "<iframe width=\"420\" height=\"280\" src=\"//$1\" frameborder=\"0\" allowfullscreen></iframe>", $content);
return $content;

For more embedding options I recommend wpForo Embeds addon:

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This method no longer seems to work still works with wpforo v1.5.1

I was previously using this hack to embed youtube, now it has stopped working for me....

UPDATE:  found my issue: .   <-- Works .   <-- Does not work, stripped out "time_continue=21&"  and its working now, so clearing just a formatting issue.

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Hello @robert, nice the code that you gave us but, how can i do the same with Im trying to do the same that you explained with youtube but with loom.

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I'm sorry but I have no solution for this video hosting. I'd recommend check out the wpForo Embeds addon. As far as I see it supports Loom:

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All working now 🙂 thanks to all. Used your instructions Robert 🙂

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I have two questions about the code that was added in Step 1. 

I'm getting <Va> after the insert of the video.  Re-checked my files and found no typos.

Second part is what if the user is posting with the short URL from YouTube

https ://


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