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[Closed] Performance

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1. Please do the change I suggested above.

2. The duration and taken memory  is more important than number. However we also work on decreasing the number for sure.

3. Yes, I think this is widget issue. wpForo has 60-90 sql itself, the 190 is not wpForo result.


PS. I copied the SQL table and removed it from post. It had very large width.

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Posted by: jost


Since im new to wpForo, im hoping this is a misconfiguration on my part, because I really want to use it.   As you know dealing with your customers, its very easy for them to screw something up with new software 😉  ( I do support too ).  

The query count was for ALL queries run on a topic/thread page.  I just filtered the wpForo specific queries when reading a thread/topic, and here is a snapshot.

193?-ish queries total.


For me it is around 127, from them around 90 are from wpForo (im running a small forum for the moment).

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I made the code change and load tested.  Inconclusive results. Im not confident in my test. I will try an A/B test again later.



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So I switched to the TwentyFifteen theme, and turned off every plugin that was not absolutely necessary, and got the response time to just a hair under 1 second, which is "ok".

There seems to be about a half second overhead caused by Wordpress alone unfortunately.

Every plugin adds a few queries to the equation *sigh*


More performance analysis to do.



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FYI - activated the FORWARDING plugin, bbPress ---> wpForo you guys just released.
Tried 100 randomly chosen url's and it worked perfectly.


Nice work!



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