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Profile Avatar and Cover Images Are Choppy/Blurry/Pixelated

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Why have an option for uploading a default cover image and then resize it to 460x460 without giving a way to adjust it? No site, not even yours, is 460px wide.

The same downsizing is happening to avatars.

Put a lot of effort into creating a nice looking site, but now this lol.

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Hi @codings,

The max height of the cover image is 460px, but the max width is 1120, so, it seems your image is square that's why you get 460x460. Please use a wider image and don't use square images for cover, because the cover image is a wide rectangle 1120x460.

The maximum size of avatars is 150x150, because there is no any image in the forum showing the avatar larger than 1150x150, so we keep your forum and disk space clear by auto-resizing/cropping your avatar.

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Please reconsider this as it seems like an outdated way to handle images, especially for user profiles.

In the age of Instagram, who has an image that is exactly 460px in height? And 150px for profile pics is very small!

With fast Internet speeds and endless storage space, don't worry so much about file size. Besides, you can use other methods to crop and compress the images when they upload.

You guys put all this work into creating a good forum plugin for WP, then ruin it with odd and dated designs and image handling. If the profile and other areas don't look good, forum users won't have to worry about space on their server because they won't have enough users to fill it up 🤐 

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Also, when choosing a default profile cover image in the admin, it doesn't allow you to select from existing images in the media gallery? 😳

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Again, the height of your cover area is 460px, so it doesn't matter what size you are uploading, you can not see more height. I hop you see what i mean, because all you are saying doesn't have any relation to what I am trying to explain you.

This is all what can I say here. If you are going to make your cover area higher, just ask for a way to change the default resizing detentions. It's not necessary to explain us what is modern and what is outdated.
