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[Closed] Sync WP Role's with wpForo

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Hi All!

Great plugin, really!

Any chance of syncing wordpress user roles with wpForo's usergroups. For example, I already have an admin role set up (which will change every year), so it'll be very convenient if we just have to change user roles once instead of once for the site and another for wpForo.

Hope that makes sense?

I'm sure I can write something if need be?



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I'm sorry but not. wpForo Usergroups have extended permission settings and they are attached to Forum Access roles with extended CANs. This is a professional forum permission system and it has no chance to be synchronized with simple WordPress user roles.

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WPForo has 5 default user groups.

  • Admin
  • Customer
  • Guest
  • Moderator
  • Registered

But if you want to control this by a membership system you can't because these user groups are not related to wordpress user roles. 

So if your membership system adds a user role to a user to give the user access to the forum, this has no effect since the forum has its own set of access rules. 

What people are requesting is to sync the wordpress user roles with the wpforo user groups, so if a user gets added a wordpress user role by the membership plugin, (members, paidmembership pro, memberpress, s2 member, whatever) it will also add the user to this group.

The "simple" way to handle it is to sync wordpress user roles with WPForo user groups. 

Otherwise the forum can't be used in combination with a membership site.

So is it possible to do something about this?


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Thank you hgr,

we'll take this under consideration.

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I am really surprised that you cannot sync WP usergroups with WpForo. I have 4 customers who require forums setup and I starting setting up the first one with wpForo and now I find out you can't sync. This is a showstopper for all of my customers as having to manage 2 sets of usergroups/permissions is just not feasible for larger forums. This should be standard for any forum software.

I am a bit of a newbie with WP as I have been developing sites in Joomla over the years and forums syncing with the CMS usergroups is a given. 

This caught me off bad for not researching and assuming.

I hope this is something you guys will seriously consider going forward.



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I can understand the frustration. 

I got a user group called ''Member'' and a user group called ''Premium Member'' 

I got a plugin installed called Membership Pro Ultimate WP. Where I got a paid subscription plan, I think what people want is to be able to upgrade the usergroup by using third party plugins such as mine. 

As far as I understand, when my members get my paid Subscription I will also have to manually upgrade them to ''Premium Member'' inside the forum? 

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I'm sorry but I didn't follow you. What do you mean saying "sync WP usergroups with WpForo"? What is this and what is necessary for?

They are already synchronized very well, all users got WP role and wpForo usergroup. All wpForo usergroups are attached to according WP role and vise versa. You don't need to manage 2 sets of usergroups/permissions. Why you think you have to do this? WP roles works well on WP and on wpForo. wpForo usergroups are just designed for forum specific accesses and permissions and all are already set when you install it.


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