Sep 11, 2022 2:14 pm
By the way, "wpDiscuz" has exactly the same problem!!! 😉
Sep 12, 2022 5:17 am
There are three phrases and you should use theme. There are no other phrases for different number of replies, they are only designed for singular and plural. They can be edited in wpForo > Phrases admin page:
- %s Replies
- Replies
- Reply
Sep 12, 2022 7:16 am
Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussion of the topic! I was able, with the invaluable help of a very positive and responsive person, Tutrix, to find a way out of the situation. Made changes to the file post.php:
112 <span class="wpf-post-replies-title"><?php ( $reply_count == 1 ) ? wpforo_phrase('Ответ') : wpforo_phrase('Ответов:'); ?></span> 113 <span class="wpf-post-replies-count"><?php echo wpforo_print_number($reply_count); ?></span>
Sep 12, 2022 7:18 am
As we can see, lines 112 and 113 have been swapped, a colon has been added. In my particular case, this solved the problem. Maybe it will help someone too. Thank you all!
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