I've noticed that some phrases are not always translated, even though there's a translation for them.
The phrases: Save, Leave a reply
are included and shown translated, but the translation goes away when I press the Reply button
PS, the phrase: Subscribe to this topic.
is missing from the PO file, can you please add it.
Mmm... I do have this problem as well.
I've installed recently WP 4.7 local (Hebrew) not the English and it looks good.
In the past I installed the English, changed the Dash Board to Hebrew, some minor issues with translation but not a big deal.
With 4.7 local everything seems to be almost perfect.
The orange highlight is fine, the red is something that you may be able fix here:
I did not try it yet because for me, English and Hebrew is the same and I overlooked those issues...
The Front-end Phrases (ביטויים) is a different method for translating, it doesn't show the translations that come from the PO file.
"No file chosen" and "Choose file" are a browser related and not WPForo, so I can't translate them.
Does the translation stay there after you press the Reply (הגב) button? that's when the translation is not showing on my site
Thank you for letting us know, we're going to check these phrases and update the core.