Sep 25, 2019 7:26 am
Since wpforo allows users to submit documents of various file sizes. it obviously has to be stored on a server somewhere which isn't free for them i think.
Would we be required to pay for the server? I wonder If theres a cost somewhere
3 Replies
Sep 25, 2019 8:21 am
In the Dashboard > Forums > Settings > Topics & Posts admin page, there is the "Maximum upload file size" option. Please check it. Under the value of the field, you'll find info about "upload_max_filesize" and "post_max_size".
So the option allows you to control users uploaded file sizes. However, you can not set this value more than βupload_max_filesizeβ and βpost_max_sizeβ.
If you want to increase server parameters you should contact to your hosting service support.