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[Solved] wpForo integrate with s2member

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As i use s2member for paid membership i need to make it compatible with wpForo because s2member plugin is compatible with buddypress and bbpress in some way.
I need to integrate somehow that in topics it will be shown what level of access have the user that is posting so i know who is who. I was using a code like this in the loop-single-reply.php file and it was addings it under member avatar what level access he have.

<?php echo get_user_field ("s2member_access_label", bbp_get_reply_author_id()); ?>

Now i not know how to add and where in which file.

Also i want to add shortcodes in member profile so they see the Automatic EOT End of Term time.

[s2Eot /]

This is to cancel membership.

[s2Member-Pro-PayPal-Form cancel="1" desc="This will cancel your account. Are you sure?" unsub="0" captcha="0" /]

Need to know if is possible to make it work.

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 Hi iTesla

You're asking for template customization. wpForo theme files contain the markup and template structure for frontend of your forum. Theme files can be found within the /wpforo/wpf-themes/ directory, in current active theme folder, for example /classic/. You can edit these files in an upgrade-safe way using overrides. For example, copy the certain or all files of /classic/ folder into a folder within your current active WordPress theme named /wpforo/, keeping the same file structure.

Example: To override the "Profile > Account" template file, copy according file: plugins/wpforo/wpf-themes/classic/profile-account.php to themes/yourtheme/wpforo/profile-account.php

The copied file will now automatically override the wpForo default theme file. All changes in this file will not be lost on forum update. So you can add any shortcode in wpForo template files using do_shortcode() WordPress function. E.g.:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[s2Eot /]')  ?>

Do not edit these files within the core plugin itself as they are overwritten during the upgrade process and any customizations will be lost.

Posts: 217
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Joined: 9 years ago

I was able to do allot of things in different files as you suggested,thank you!

Posts: 27
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Joined: 8 years ago

Hi iTesla,

Don't you have conflict with pagination between s2member and Wpforo ? All pagination redirects to membership options page for me.

thanks !