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wpForo 1.x.x [Solved] Last Post info on forum home broken

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I do not use cache plugins. The logic for last post info in simplified layouts is faulty.

In this image you can see the topic/post order in the forum.

In this image you can see that the red arrowed one is what shows on forum home despite there being newer content

This is actually along existing bug that would manifest when either a post was deleted or topic moved. Now with 1.6.2 it goes deeper in that even without the moving/deleting only a topic with more than one post will show as latest on forum home for simplified layouts.

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Tested here too. Created a new single post topic. In the forum itself the order is correct

On forum home last post info will only show a topic with more than one post.


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VereK's screenshots are representative of what I'm seeing on my forum as well, but I can also post screenshots if needed. 

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So it works fine when you reply:

But doesn't work when you create a new topic, am I right?

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Posts: 522


Single post/New topic is never shown as latest in Last post info.

Another bug revealed itself when testing, if a topic is marked private it still shows as latest in Last post info but sans the actual link (yes, even after cache scrubbing).

P.S. It does not show in the forum itself which is as it should be.

Posts: 24
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@robert That's correct... new topics are not showing up under Last Post Info on the forum home page, and only become visible on Last Post Info after someone replies to the topic.

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