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[Solved] Problems with guest topics

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Posts: 63
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First, thank you for update. Version 2 is pretty nice to me.

After update v2, Google recaptcha is not working on add-topic page. It's fine on login and sign up pages but not good when you wanna make a new topic.

Plus, there's another problem with messages those pending confirmation. When ı open the post, I cannot push the confirm or edit buttons. They don't work, but I can confirm the posts on moderation page. No problem at the back.

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Posted by: @spider

After update v2, Google recaptcha is not working on add-topic page. It's fine on login and sign up pages but not good when you wanna make a new topic.

Is this a guest posting form? Lease leave a direct URL where we can see the issue.


Posted by: @spider

Plus, there's another problem with messages those pending confirmation. When ı open the post, I cannot push the confirm or edit buttons. They don't work, but I can confirm the posts on moderation page. No problem at the back.

It seems you have JS errors. Do you have any cache plugin? Have you purged all caches?

Also, please make sure the forum pages are excluded from your cache plugins.

Finally, press F12 on that page, go to the Console Tab and find read marked lines. If you see such lines, please take a screenshot and lave it here.

Posts: 63
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Joined: 7 years ago

I've tried many things. Wasted many time for this but finally found the reason. Checking the Console Tab will be my first thing from now on.

The problem is on social share options, about No problem when I don't pick the otherwise I had to wait at least 1-2 minutes on any page to make it work. I mean, if I choose as a social share option and open my site, javascript doesn't work for some minutes. They work after that duration.

I attached the ss from F12 > Console tab. When I hover the red line, I saw vk api makes the problem. I think it freezes the other files. 

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Posts: 10587


Ok, the error says connection timeout. The social share resources cannot be loaded from the provider. It seems the social network has blocked your IP addresses, or it's not available now. In any case this cannot be fixed in wpForo, this is not wpForo core issue. You should disable that social network for a while.