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[Closed] User Timezone

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With the latest update we have a bug regression with the timezone in member profiles. If a member does not explicitly set a time zone in their account then it defaults to "Abijan" on their WPforo account and in the Wordpress dashboard nothing is set. I last saw that bug back in 2019 or so.


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I saw this and just thought a user had  set a random time zone. Thanks for pointing it out mate 

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It' most likely the Member Profile Fields plugin again. These days it appears that particular plugin does not get standalone plugin updates, only integrated updates with WPforo core.

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Posts: 1163

@verek Thats lame 🙁 And if it does get fixed I will have to re buy my licences as they have run out now. I don't see the need to rebuy them as there have been no decent updates on them.... sO I am going to have to pay to fix a bug that is out of my control..... thats lame

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It is the Member Profile Fields plugin. Just did an experiment with it: edited the timezone field in dashboard with random c**p, and the first option line of random c**p is what displays on a user account. Note, that if a user does not explicitly set a timezone in their WPforo account it will not affect anything in the Wordpress user dashboard - you as Admin, also cannot set the timezone in the WP user dashboard, setting it there won't stick.

Interestingly, no matter what you edit the options to be in the Member Profile Fields plugin, those will not display as options in the Wordpress user dashboard, so a major disconnect there.

What I will likely do in the Member Profile Fields plugin is disable that field in profile, registration and account zones. I don't really see much for that field to be honest

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@verek strange, it's happening on our forum too. If no time zone is selected by the user, then it shows as "Abijan". However, we do not have the Member Profile Fields plugin active or installed.

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The issues related to the select box, additional value adding, and similar problems have been fixed. These fixes will be integrated into the next version of wpForo.

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I suggest that WPforo set the default site WP timezone as default for users that don't explicitly set their own selection. 

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