Hi, I'm having 2 issues with my forum at https://valinax.com/forum
Issue 1: The text shown in this screenshot ( https://prnt.sc/oq93bb) disappears if you size the window to a mobile sizing (or view the page on a smartphone) until highlighted. Highlighting the text makes it reappear, strangely.
Issue 2: This is not a fault but an aesthetic limitation that is a bright eyesore on my dark site. The TinyMCE reply boxes are pure white and I can't seem to find a way to make them black or grey. ( https://prnt.sc/oq997a)
CSS obviously doesn't work for changing this, and I can't seem to find a way to target this instance of TinyMCE through javascript, though I managed to inadvertently change the TinyMCE background to black in my Wordpress dashboard: https://prnt.sc/oq9d6i
Please follow this support topic: