Please, can someone at wpforo help, I'm not technical, and I've no idea how to sort this out.
I accidentally updated my site to version 2.0.5 when I thought I was updating my clone. The update appears to completed, the front end is working, it appears full screen as before. However, when I try to access topics the page is shrunk and gives an error message "There has been a critical error on this website".
Needless to say, I'm in a blind panic
1. Do you have a backup ?
2. Put the site under maintenance for now.
3.Do you know how to Enable Wordpress Debug to a LOG, so we can see what that error is about?
2. If I do that nobody can login to help me
I screwed up and have paid dearly for that error, I really thought I was doing this on the clone. Then to my horror realised it was the live site, too late to stop it. The old site was on 1.9 and had all the plugins enabled.
I guess I'm screwed, I feel sick!
Looking at plugins, all the wpforo addon plugins are deactivated.